International and National Presentations

"Professional advice can make all the difference"


Jones E. L, Moorhouse J. A. Schurer M, Patterson K, Makwana N, Rowen D. L, Powell P.A. A qualitative analysis of the burden of peanut allergy on children and their parents/guardians.  PAAM.  Online Nov 2021

Jones E. L, Moorhouse J. A. Schurer M, Patterson K, Makwana N, Rowen D. L, Powell P.A. A quantitative assessment of the burden of peanut allergy on children and their parents/guardians.  PAAM.  Online Nov 2021

Packham A, Makwana N.  Fever in the returning paediatric traveller: a retrospective review of hospital admissions over two years within a central Birmingham trust, UK. RCPCH. Online June 2021

  1. Siddhi, K. Shelley, H. Rizvi, A.K. John, A. Holt, H. McDermott, H. Vawda,N. Muhammed, T.Y. Kwan, K. Davies, A. Banerjee, E.Seager, S. Nasir, L. Mulligan, M. Cant, W.Carroll, R. Horner, A. Elzubair, J.Onubi, B.Oyelade, P. Bakhshi, S. Parepalli, Y. Oumellil, A. Abdelbaky, S. Meenan, J. Pugh, W. Coles, M.M.Magwenzi, S.Hine, E. Blamey, J.Rweyemamu, R.Pitt, S.Amanda, Z.Baccha, A. Pearce, W. Sinwari, S. Harlalka, N. Zia, A. Pachala, N. Smith, I. Cramer, N. Makwana, S. Welch. Management of children with clinically suspected and confirmed SARS-CoV2 during the first wave in the West Midlands, United Kingdom. ESPID.  Online May 2021

Raptaki M, Omar S, Bevink Y, Makwana N.  Managing a toddler with latent TB: A therapeutic dilema.  ESID.  Online 2020.

Raptaki M, Omar S, Bevink Y, Makwana N.  Managing a toddler with latent TB: A therapeutic dilema.  EPSID.  Rotterdam 2020.

Halton F, Cowling I, Scrivens L, Atkinson M, Ivanova A, Omar S, Makwana N. The Hidden Danger of “Miracle” Creams for Childhood Eczema. EAACI. London 2020

M. Raptaki, S. Omar, Y. Beuvink, N. Makwana. Trainees’ opinions and views regarding the use of lumbar puncture (LP) as a diagnostic tool. ESPID. Rotterdam 2020

Halton F. F, Dhesi A, Skilton M. K, Chan Y. Y, Reece J. G, Pachala A, Makwana N. Recognition and Treatment of Paediatric Anaphylaxis: Would you know what to do? EAACI. 2020

Dhesi A, Raptaki M, Bates H, Seager E, Stiefel G, Dawson T, Darwood I, Holt A, Ferdinand D, Goel C, North J, Atkinson M, Karanam S, Makwana N. Regional Audit of Paediatric Anaphylaxis Management in the Midlands: Are we following National Guidance? EAACI. Lisbon. 2019

Ashton G, Makwana N. Food allergy profiles observed within ethnic group populations in West Birmingham and Sandwell, UK. EAACI. Lisbon. 2019

Li Y., Makwana N., Ivanova A., Atkinson M., Karanam S. Use of Home Baked Milk Reintroduction in children with milk allergies. EAACI. Munich 2018

Singer E, Beuvink Y, Makwana N. Paediatric Bone and Joint Infections: A review of cases in a secondary care centre. Federation of Infection Society. Birmingham 2017

Randeny S, Wasala R, Makwana N. Rare presentations of Bacterial Infections in Childhood. ESPID. Brighton 2016

Randeny S, Wasala R, Makwana N. Rare presentations of Bacterial Infections in Childhood. Paediatric Controversies-Co-Pedia 2016. Barcelona 2016

Patel L. Makwana N. Chapman S. A UK summative assessment of clinical communication for career paediatricians: 10-years experience. 14th International Conference on Communication in Healthcare. Heidelberg, Germany. 2016

Bogue D, Bagshaw R, Makwana N. Use of Blood Cultures in the Assessment of the Feverish Child. Poster Presentation. Meningitis and Septicaemia in Children and Adults. London 2015.

Galloway D, Lydekker K, Swindells J, Makwana N. Appendicitis: A Microbiological Approach in Children. Poster Presentation. ESPID. Leipzig. 2015

Makwana N, Teoh L, Charalambous M. Is Component-resolved diagnostics and ImmunoCAP ISAC assay useful in the management of paediatric allergy patients in a tertiary clinic? Oral Poster Presentation. EAACI. Copenhagen. 2014

Choudhary D, Agwu JC, Bandhakavi M, Makwana N. Factitious Hypoglycaemia due to exogenous Insulin ‘Don’t forget the skin’. Poster Presentation ISPAD. Toronto 2014

Makwana N, Williamson S, Akhtar R. Paediatric Food Challenges – A Trust Experience. Poster Presentation. BSACI. Telford. 2014

Makwana N, Houseman C, Doyle K. Management of Suspected Bacterial Meningitis in a UK District General Hospital. Meningitis and Septicaemia in Children and Adults. Poster Presentation. London. 2013

Makwana N, Richardson K, Sekhon A, Hackett S, Arkwright P. Lymphopenia in Children – Is potential susceptibility to infectious disease being ignored? Poster Presentation. ESPID. 2013

Makwana N, Harlow G, Richardson J, Dowling N. Ghose A, Kanani A, Srinivas J, Berry K. Management of Paediatric Anaphylaxis. Comparison between a DGH and regional centre in the UK. Poster Presentation. PAAM. Athens 2013

Makwana N, Harlow G, Richardson J, Dowling N. Why is Pediatric Anaphylaxis Not Managed According to Guidelines?. Poster Presentation EAACI. Milan 2013

Makwana N, Houseman C, Doyle K. Management of Suspected Bacterial Meningitis in a UK District General Hospital. ESPID. Milan 2013

Makwana N, Ruth N. An Audit Against Current Guideline for the Management of Children Born to VDRL+ Mothers. Poster Presentation ESPID. Greece 2012

Makwana N, Johansen L, Roe L, Akbar A. An Audit of the Management of Childhood Tuberculosis. Poster Presentation ESPID. Nice 2011

Lajeunesse M, Keeton D, King R, Boardman A, Gibbs L, du Toit G, Makwana N. Multicentre Audit of Influenza Immunisation in Children Allergic to Egg. Poster Presentation European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI). London 2010

Makwana N, Ruth N, Rodgers H. Management of Children Presenting to a Birmingham Hospital with Anaphylaxis. Poster Presentation European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. Barcelona. 2008

Makwana N, Carrol E, Baines P, Thomson A P J, Hart C.A. The Role of Neuropeptides in the Pathophysiology of Meningococcal Disease. Poster Presentation. International Conference on Meningitis and Septicaemia in Adults and Children. London. November 2007

Makwana N, Carrol E, Baines P, Thomson A P J, Hart C.A. The Role of Macrophage Inhibitory factor in the Pathophysiology of Meningococcal Disease. Poster Presentation. International Conference on Meningitis and Septicaemia in Adults and Children. London. November 2005

Makwana N, Carrol E, Baines P, Thomson A P J, Hart C.A. Prospective study of the use of rapid antigen testing in meningococcal disease – an outdated diagnostic test? Poster Presentation. International Conference on Meningitis and Septicaemia in Adults and Children. London. November 2005

Makwana N, Riordan F A I. What Causes meningitis without a rash in the Hib vaccine era? Poster Presentation: European Society of Paediatric Infectious Disease (ESPID); Taormina, Sicily: April 2003


Dhesi A, Halton F, Willets J, Sohal I, Mathias F, Clarkson A, Brown K, Makwana N.   Paediatric anaphylaxis ‘EduCAKEtion’ in 10-minutes: A multicentre initiative.  Oral Presentation.  BSACI. York. 2021

Mathias F, North J, Makwana NS.T.A.A.R.T . As You Mean to Go On – Screening Tool to Assess Adolescents’ with Allergies Readiness to Transition to Adult Services.  BSACI. York. 2021

Wells R, McKay C, Makwana N, Vyas D, Perkin M.  The configuration of paediatric allergy services across the UK.  BSACI 2020

Halton F, Makwana N. Specific Oral Tolerance Induction to Cow’s Milk: A “Life Changing Experience”. BSACI 2020

Halton F, Swallow H, Horton O, Makwana N. De-labelling the label: Drug allergies in children. BSACI 2020.

Mathias F, North J, Ivanova A, Karanam K, Makwana N. Nasal Photo Therapy for Difficult to Manage Perennial and Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis from a Patient and Nursing Perspective. BSACI. Harrogate 2019

Ashton G, Makwana N. Food allergy profiles observed within ethnic group populations in West Birmingham and Sandwell, UK. BSACI. Harrogate 2019

Makwana N, Moore T, Jayatunga R. A Case of a Chronic Cough in a 15 year old girl. Poster Presentation RCPCH. 2014

Mills R, Aziz O, Makwana N. Is breastfeeding an option even in the UK? A case presentation. Poster Presentation. CHIVA. Manchester 2013

Choudhary D, Agwu JC, Bandhakavi M, Makwana N. Factitious Hypoglycaemia due to exogenous Insulin ‘Don’t forget the skin’. Poster Presentation BSPED. Brighton 2013

Makwana N, Harlow G, Richardson J, Dowling N. How much do Junior Doctors Know about Anaphylaxis. Oral Presentation RCPCH. Glasgow 2013

Makwana N, Harlow G, Richardson J, Dowling N. Compliance with APLS and NICE Paediatric Guidelines in an NHS Trust. Poster Presentation BSACI. Telford 2013

Makwana N, Harlow G, Richardson J, Dowling N. Knowledge of Paediatric Anaphylaxis Management Guidelines in Junior Doctors and Medical Students. Poster Presentation BSACI. Telford 2013

Makwana N, Ruth N. An Audit Against Current Guideline for the Management of Children Born to VDRL+ Mothers. Poster Presentation RCPCH. 2012

Makwana N, Kakoullis G, Whyte L. Service Evaluation of Cows Milk Allergic Patients in an Inner City Paediatric Allergy Clinic. Poster Presentation BSACI. Nottingham. 2011

Makwana N, McEvoy B, Walker G, Perera R. Audit to Assess the Diagnostic Criteria and Management Strategies of Acute Urticaria. Poster Presentation BSACI. Nottingham. 2009

Makwana N, Ruth N, Rodgers H. Management of Children Presenting to a Birmingham Hospital with Anaphylaxis. Poster Presentation BSACI. Nottingham. 2009

Makwana N, Carrol E, Baines P, Jeffers G. Thomson A P J, Hart C.A. The Role of Neuropeptides in the Pathophysiology of Meningococcal Disease; RCPCH Annual Meeting: York: April 2006. Winner of prize for best oral presentation in the Infection and Allergy Group.

Makwana N, Carrol E, Baines P, Thomson A P J, Hart C.A. The Role of Macrophage Inhibitory factor in the Pathophysiology of Meningococcal Disease. Poster Presentation. Federation of Infection Societies. Cardiff. November 2005

Makwana N, Carrol E, Baines P, Thomson A P J, Hart C.A. Prospective study of the use of rapid antigen testing in meningococcal disease – an outdated diagnostic test? Poster Presentation. Federation of Infection Societies. Cardiff. November 2005

Makwana N, Carrol E, Baines P, Thomson A P J, Hart C.A. The Death of RATS – rapid antigen testing is useless in meningococcal disease; Paediatric Research Society: Leicester: March 2005

Makwana N, Morris K P, Hill F. The use of Thromboelastography to assess coagulation in children with meningococcal sepsis. Paediatric Intensive Care Society; Bristol: September 2003.

Makwana N, Riordan F A I. What Causes meningitis without a rash in the Hib vaccine era? Paediatric Research Society; Nottingham: March 2003

We want peace of mind that our child is healthy, happy and able to achieve their best.

Dr Nick Makwana

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