Original Articles
Barriers to paediatric penicillin allergy de-labelling in UK secondary care: a regional survey. Maduemem K, Clark H, Sohal I, Dawson T, Makwana N; Paediatric Research Across the Midlands (PRAM) Network. Arch Dis Child. 2022 Dec 19
NICE and easy? Ensuring equitable access to NICE-approved treatments in children and young people. Turner PJ, Makwana N, Roberts G, Fox AT. Arch Dis Child. 2022 Sep;107(9):778-779
Burden of allergic disease among ethnic minority groups in high-income countries. Jones CJ, Paudyal P, West RM, Mansur AH, Jay N, Makwana N, Baker S, Krishna MT. Clin Exp Allergy. 2022 May;52(5):604-615
National Survey of United Kingdom Paediatric Allergy Services. Wells R, McKay C, Makwana N, Vyas D, Vaughan S, Christopher A, Thomas L, Primett M, Diwakar L, Alvis S, Perkin MR. Clin Exp Allergy. 2022 Nov;52(11):1276-1290
Genetic Analysis of a Cohort of 275 Patients with Hyper-IgE Syndromes and/or Chronic Mucocutaneous Candidiasis. Frede N, Rojas-Restrepo J, Caballero Garcia de Oteyza A, Buchta M, Hübscher K, Gámez-Díaz L, Proietti M, Saghafi S, Chavoshzadeh Z, Soler-Palacin P, Galal N, Adeli M, Aldave-Becerra JC, Al-Ddafari MS, Ardenyz Ö, Atkinson TP, Kut FB, Çelmeli F, Rees H, Kilic SS, Kirovski I, Klein C, Kobbe R, Korganow AS, Lilic D, Lunt P, Makwana N, Metin A, Özgür TT, Karakas AA, Seneviratne S, Sherkat R, Sousa AB, Unal E, Patiroglu T, Wahn V, von Bernuth H, Whiteford M, Doffinger R, Jouhadi Z, Grimbacher B. J Clin Immunol. 2021 Nov;41(8):1804-1838.
How Are Infants Suspected to Have Cow’s Milk Allergy Managed? A Real World Study Report. Vandenplas Y, Belohlavkova S, Enninger A, Frühauf P, Makwana N, Järvi A. Nutrients. 2021 Aug 30;13(9):3027.
Cows milk protein allergy. Dhesi A, Ashton G, Raptaki M, Makwana N. Paediatrics and Child Health. 2020 July;30(7):255-260
COVID-19 in children and adolescents in Europe: a multinational, multicentre cohort study. Götzinger F, Santiago-García B, Noguera-Julián A, Lanaspa M, Lancella L, Calò Carducci FI, Gabrovska N, Velizarova S, Prunk P, Osterman V, Krivec U, Lo Vecchio A, Shingadia D, Soriano-Arandes A, Melendo S, Lanari M, Pierantoni L, Wagner N, L’Huillier AG, Heininger U, Ritz N, Bandi S, Krajcar N, Roglić S, Santos M, Christiaens C, Creuven M, Buonsenso D, Welch SB, Bogyi M, Brinkmann F, Tebruegge M; ptbnet COVID-19 Study Group. Lancet Child Adolesc Health. 2020
Evaluation of AllergiSense Smartphone Tools for Adrenaline Injection Training. Hernandez-Munoz L, Woolley S, Luyt D, Stiefel G, Kirk K, Makwana N, Melchoir C, Dawson T, Wong G, Collins T, Diwakar L. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics. 2015
Turner PJ, Southern J, Andrews NJ, Miller E, Erlewyn-Lajeunesse M; SNIFFLE-2 Study Investigators. Safety of live attenuated influenza vaccine in young people with egg allergy: multicentre prospective cohort study. BMJ. 2015
BSACI guideline for the diagnosis and management of cow’s milk allergy. Luyt D, Ball H, Makwana N, Green MR, Bravin K, Nasser SM, Clark AT; Standards of Care Committee (SOCC) of the British Society for Allergy and Clinical Immunology (BSACI). Clin Exp Allergy. 2014;44(5):642-72.
Management of suspected viral encephalitis in children – Association of British Neurologists and British Paediatric Allergy, Immunology and Infection Group national guidelines. Kneen R, Michael BD, Menson E, Mehta B, Easton A, Hemingway C, Klapper PE, Vincent A, Lim M, Carrol E, Solomon T; National Encephalitis Guidelines. J Infect. 2012 May;64(5):449-77.
Changes in the sublingual microcirculation and endothelial adhesion molecules during the course of severe meningococcal disease treated in the paediatric intensive care unit. Paize F, Sarginson R, Makwana N, Baines PB, Thomson AP, Sinha I, Hart CA, Riordan A, Hawkins KC, Carrol ED, Parry CM. Intensive Care Med. 2012 May;38(5):863-71.
An unusual case of bilateral galactocoele in a male infant. Rajdev SK, Makwana N, Lester R, Agwu JC. Arch Dis Child. 2011 Nov;96(11):1087.
Meningococcal disease in children in Merseyside, England: a 31 year descriptive study. Stanton MC, Taylor-Robinson D, Harris D, Paize F, Makwana N, Hackett SJ, Baines PB, Riordan FA, Marzouk O, Thomson AP, Diggle PJ, Hart CA, Carrol ED. PLoS One. 2011;6(10):e25957.
How clean are our stethoscopes and do we need to clean them?
Bandi S, Uddin L, Milward K, Aliyu S, Makwana N. J Infect. 2008 Oct;57(4):355-6.
Makwana N. Riordan F.A.I. Bacterial Meningitis: Impact of Vaccination. CNS Drugs. 2007; 21(5):355-66.
Carrol ED. Mankhambo LA. Balmer P. Nkhoma S. Banda DL. Guiver M. Jeffers G. Makwana N. Molyneux EM. Molyneux ME. Smyth RL. Hart CA. Invasive Pneumococcal Disease Study Group. Chemokine responses are increased in HIV-infected Malawian children with invasive pneumococcal disease. JAIDS. 2007; 44(4):443-50
Mankhambo L. Makwana N. Carrol E. Beare N. Kampondeni S. Molyneux E. Persistent Visual Loss as a Complication of Meningococcal Meningitis. Pediatric Infectious Diseases Journal. 2006; 25(6): 566-567
Makwana N. Baines P. Myocardial dysfunction in meningococcal septic shock. Current Opinion in Critical Care Medicine. 2005;11: 418-423
Makwana N. Riordan F.A.I. Prospective Study of needlestick injuries. Arch. Dis. Child. 2005; 90: 523-524.
Makwana N. Riordan F.A.I. What causes meningitis without a rash in the Hib vaccine era? Journal of Infection. 2004; 49(4): 297-301
Makwana N. Lander A. Buick R. Kumararatne B. Unusual Complication of a central venous line in a neonate. Arch. Dis. Child. Fetal Neonatal Ed. 2003; 88: 440
Makwana N. Evans H. Moore D. Berry K. Two cases of near asphyxiation using non-releasing plastic garden ties. Emergency Medicine Journal. 2001; 18: 229 –231
Lip G. Hayter J. Makwana N. Design and Baseline characteristics of a hypertension intervention program in a South African Village. Journal of Human Hypertension. 1996; (10)7: 499
Abstracts and Letters
Dalrymple RA, Makwana N. Introduction of allergenic foods from 3 months of age reduces incidence of food allergy in breastfed infants. Arch Dis Child Educ Pract Ed. 2017
Spyridis N, Syridou G, Goossens H, Versporten A, Kopsidas J, Kourlaba G, Bielicki J, Drapier N, Zaoutis T, Tsolia M, Sharland M; ARPEC Project Group Members. Variation in paediatric hospital antibiotic guidelines in Europe. Arch Dis Child. 2016
Rajdev SK, Makwana N, Lester R, Agwu JC. An unusual case of bilateral galactocoele in a male infant. Arch Dis Child. 2011
Hackett S, Hill L, Patel J, Ratnaraja N, Ifeyinwa A, Farooqi M, Nusgen U, Debenham P, Gandhi D, Makwana N, Smit E, Welch S. Clinical characteristics of paediatric H1N1 admissions in Birmingham, UK. Lancet. 2009
Makwana N. FAI Riordan. Carrol E. Hackett S. Baines P. Thomson A.P.J. Hart C.A. Clinical Recognition of Meningococcal Disease. Lancet. 2006;
Makwana N. Carrol E. Baines P. Thomson A.P.J. Hart C.A. The Death of RATS – Rapid Antigen Testing is Useless in Meningococcal Disease. Current Paediatrics. 2005; 15: 372.
Makwana N. Riordan F.A.I. Response to letter ‘Community needlestick injuries may still be dangerous’. Arch. Dis. Child. 2005; 90(11)
Makwana N. Riordan F.A.I Medical Therapy in the treatment of local BCG reactions. Arch. Dis. Child. E letter. Published online November 2004
Makwana N. Riordan F.A.I. Treatment of BCG abscesses. www.bestbets.org. Published online August 2004
Makwana N. Morris K. Hill F. Short P. The use of thromboelastography to assess coagulation in children with meningococcal sepsis. Abstract in Paediatric Critical Care Medicine. May 2003
Makwana N. Riordan F.A.I. What causes meningitis without a rash in the Hib vaccine era? Current Paediatrics. 2003; 13: 403
Dr Nick MakwanaWe want peace of mind that our child is healthy, happy and able to achieve their best.
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