Being both a father to two teenage children and a practising paediatrician and allergist, I am acutely aware that, as parents, we do worry about our children’s health and wellbeing. This may be because there is a particular concern or, at other times, because we want peace of mind that our child is healthy, happy and able to achieve their best.
In the framework of today’s NHS your General Practitioner, who may not have had any paediatric training at all, may not be able to provide the help or reassurance you require. If you are referred to the hospital then there are often long waiting lists to see experts and the consultations are often rushed.
A private Consultant Paediatrician is one option. I am an experienced paediatric allergist and paediatrician and see children and young people with a wide ranging number of problems but specialise in paediatric allergy. I can therefore provide all the help and expertise you need, particularly in my area of interest, and this can be offered quickly, flexibly and in relaxed surroundings.
My consultations are child–centred, sensitive, and friendly (see my patient feedback), and I aim to help find the cause of any problem as well as treating the symptoms. This involves taking time to listen to both your and your child’s concerns. I always take the time to explain what’s happening, so that your child’s symptoms make sense to both you and them and give detailed written information to you on the day if appropriate so that you feel fully informed about what’s going on.
After a consultation parents can sometimes find it hard to remember exactly what was said so I will always provide you with detailed written letter of everything we’ve discussed in a timely manner
Dr Nick MakwanaWe want peace of mind that our child is healthy, happy and able to achieve their best.
Parent & Patient Comments
It’s always good to hear what other patients and parents think before you choose a doctor for your child, so please feel free to have a browse through other comments by my patients and their parents.