Below are some of the most common problems and how I can help
However if you have any other concerns regarding your child’s health or you would simply like you child to have a general check up for your peace of mind, you can make an appointment to come and see me.

Heart Murmurs
Heart murmurs are extra noises heard in the heart. They are quite common and frequently ‘innocent’, meaning that there is nothing actually wrong with your child’s heart
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Fits, faints and funny turns
I often see children with these problems in my general paediatric clinic. These events can cause considerable worry to parents but mostly are due to quite straightforward
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Constipation is a common presentation in my General Paediatric Clinic. It is usually due to a wide range of causes, such as not eating well, not drinking enough and worrying
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Urine infections
It is important to diagnose true urine infection accurately, especially in the younger child. Urine infections are quite common but so is simple cystitis
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Weight problems
Weight issues can worry both parents and children. We all hope that our children are thriving, but when a child isn’t ‘average’, we ask whether there is something wrong
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Diarrhoea is a common symptom and can be due to a number of causes including infection, food intolerance / allergy, or rarely due to an underlying general bowel or immune problem
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Most babies have the odd vomit, particularly after feeds. For some this problem can be frequent and troublesome both for mum and baby. Babies who cry, vomit and arch their back can
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Repeated infections
Children have a huge number of viruses to meet and become immune to in the first few years. Children therefore, especially for the first few years of life, often seem to be constantly suffering
Find out moreDr Nick MakwanaMy consultations are child centered, sensitive, friendly and I aim to help find the cause of any problem as well as treating the symptoms.
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